The Ministry of Tourism has asked public and private educational institutions to make wearing crash helmets mandatory for students while they ride motorbikes or bicycles in order to protect their lives.
At a helmet donation ceremony for students and teachers at Kampong Thom High School, Stung Sen High School and Hun Sen Tang Kork High School on Saturday, Minister of Tourism Thong Khon asked all schools to enforce wearing helmets in accordance with the law to reduce the death rate from traffic accidents.
He added that educational institutions across the country should include a clause in its regulations for the mandatory wearing of helmets and severe punishment for students who do not comply with it.
He said that teachers, school administrations and parents need to educate, promote and strengthen the practice of safe behaviour when travelling on motorbikes and bicycles.
“We must encourage students, who are the precious assets of the family and society, to wear helmets every time they travel by a motorbike or bicycle as well as to respect the road traffic law.”
He also encouraged donors to continue to provide helmets to students and teachers, especially to promote and educate more people about traffic safety in schools and conduct campaigns to raise public awareness.
Deputy Governor of Kampong Thom province Prem Ratha said to improve road traffic safety, it is necessary for vehicle users to understand the road traffic law.
He added that when people, especially students and young people, understand the road traffic laws and obey them, the number of deaths from traffic accidents will decrease.
“If you love yourself, family, society and the country, you must wear a helmet and wear it at all times, whether travelling by motorbike or bicycle,” he said.
Wat Bo Primary School Principal Kun Roth said yesterday that the requirement for students to wear helmets was the right move for students’ safety.
He added that for Wat Bo Primary School, every time they have a meeting with parents, the school always encourages students to wear helmets, even if they are riding with their parents.
He said that currently the school encourages all students to wear a safety helmet every time they ride a bicycle.
The school application form stipulates that students are not allowed to ride motorcycles by themselves to reach the school.
He added, “Wat Bo Primary School has not stated or stipulated in the school regulations that every student must wear a helmet.
“But every time they ride with their parents, we have already announced that it is required to wear a helmet. If they do not wear helmet, the traffic police will advise them to wear one.”